Kori Nuclear Power Plant

Kori Nuclear Power Plant (Korean: 고리원자력발전소) is located in Kori Village, Busan City, east of South Korea. Close to the Sea of Japan. The installed capacity is 7,489 MW.

It is owned and operated by Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power, a subsidiary of KEPCO. The Kori Nuclear Power Plant currently has 8 reactors; there are 6 reactors in operation, of which 1 is still under construction and 1 has been decommissioned (but will remain in In the complex until the materials can be safely stored and removed).

Overview Kori Nuclear Power Plant
Overview Kori Nuclear Power Plant

Units 2, 3, and 4 started commercial operations in the 1980s, and are all slated to be decommissioned in the mid-2020s. All reactors on site are pressurized water reactors.

The nuclear power plant plans to build two more reactors. However, following a speech by President Moon Jae-in in June 2017 after announcing the phase-out of nuclear power projects in South Korea, construction was suspended.

Kori Nuclear Power Plant
Kori Nuclear Power Plant


An expansion of the plant begun in 2006 added 4 new Korean-sourced reactors, the so-called Shin Kori reactors (shin meaning “new”). The first pair of Shin Kori reactors are of the OPR-1000 design, while the second two are the APR-1400 design.

Shin Kori 1 & 2 achieved commercial operations in 2011 and 2012 respectively, with Shin Kori 3 & 4 achieving commercial operations in 2016 and 2019. Construction on two further APR-1400 reactors, known as Shin Kori-5 and Shin Kori-6, was started in April 2017 and September 2018, respectively.

In November 2019, the reactor pressure vessel of the 1340MWe APR-1400 reactor to be housed in Shin Kori 5 was installed. As of November 2019, construction on the Shin Kori 5 and 6 was 51 percent complete.

Kori Nuclear Power Plant is currently the largest nuclear power plant in operation in the world. Because of a serious accident at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant in Japan in 2011, it has not restarted until 2020.


Kori Nuclear Power Plant Data

South Korea
East Asia
In use
Official name
Gori, Busan, South Korea
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power
Aug-01, 1972
Apr-29, 1978
Installed capacity
7489 MW
Units operational
1 × 640 MW 1 × 1011 MW 1 × 1012 MW 2 × 996 MW 1 × 1416 MW 1 × 1418 MW
Reactor type
Reactor supplier
Westinghouse KEPCO E&C
Cooling source
Sea of Japan (East sea of Korea)

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