Paluel Nuclear Power Plant

Paluel Nuclear Power Plant (French: Centralenucléaire de Paluel) is located in Normandy, France. It is 40 km from Dieppe, located in Paluel, the town of Département Seine-Maritime. It is the second largest nuclear power plant in France.

The 5,320 MW nuclear power plant was developed on a 160-hectare site on the English Channel waterfront. Employ about 300,000 people. 1,250 full-time employees. It is owned and operated by EDF and includes four 1,330MW pressurized water reactor units. Water from the English Channel is used for cooling.

EDF began construction at the Paluel nuclear power plant in 1977.

Centrale Nucléaire de Paluel
Centrale Nucléaire de Paluel

The first two reactor units of the power plant were put into operation in 1984, while the third and fourth reactors were connected to the grid in 1985 and 1986, respectively. Paluel is the second largest nuclear power plant in France, behind the tomb.

Construction and commission dates for the 4 reactors

Construction began

  • Unit 1: August 15, 1977
  • Unit 2: January 1, 1978
  • Unit 3: February 1, 1979
  • Unit 4: February 1, 1980
Paluel Nuclear Power Plant
Paluel Nuclear Power Plant

Commission date

  • Units 1–2: December 1, 1985
  • Unit 3: February 1, 1986
  • Unit 4: June 1, 1986

Technical parameter

The total installed capacity is 5.528 GW, making it one of the largest nuclear power plants in France. In terms of power output, it ranks second in France. The average annual power generation is 32 billion kWh.

Paluel Nuclear Power Plant aerial view
Paluel Nuclear Power Plant aerial view

Paluel Nuclear Power Plant Data

Western Europe
In use
Official name
Centrale Nucléaire de Paluel
Paluel, Seine-Maritime, Normandy, France
Electricite de France S.A.
Electricite de France S.A.
Aug-15, 1977
Dec-01, 1985
Installed capacity
5320 MW
Units operational
4 × 1330 MW
Reactor type
Reactor supplier
Cooling source
English Channel

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Era-1977 ( The earlier the era, the higher the score,respect the older generation of engineering )



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