General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge

General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge (Spanish: Puente General Rafael Urdaneta) is located at the entrance of Lake Maracaibo in the northwest of Venezuela. It crosses the Tablazo Strait and connects Santa Rita and Maracaibo. It is also called Maracaibo Bridge.

The length of the bridge is 5.4 mi (8.7 km) and the Length over water is 5.3 mi (8.6 km). The height of the bridge tower is 284 ft (86.6 m).

The bridge was built in 1958 and opened for use on August 24, 1962. It cost 350 million bolívar soberano (US $100 million). It is named after the Venezuelan independent hero General Rafael Urdaneta.

General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge
General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge


1957: The bridge design competition started, and the bridge design of Italian engineer Riccardo Morandi won.

1958: Construction of the bridge began.

August 24, 1962: The General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge opened. The then Venezuelan President Romulo Betancourt attended the opening ceremony.

Cars Driving on General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge
Cars Driving on General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge

Building technical parameters

The General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge is 5.4 mi (8.7 km) long and the Length over water is 5.3 mi (8.6 km ). The height of the bridge tower is 284 ft (86.6 m).

It is made of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete, and the five main spans are 771 ft (235 m). Each span is supported by 6 pillars.

Overview General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge
Overview General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge

The bridge deck width is 57 ft (17.4 m), has 4 lanes, and the bridge deck height is 164 ft (50 m). Its construction lasted 5 years and cost 350 million bolívar soberano (US $100 million).

Lake Maracaibo is the largest lake in Zulia State, Venezuela, with a total area of ​​13,000 square kilometers. The bridge connects the narrowest northern part of the lake, making the 2-hour ferry journey between Santa Rita and Maracaibo a thing of the past.

General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge Night view
General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge Night view

General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge Data

South America
In use
Official name
Puente General Rafael Urdaneta
Other name
Maracaibo Bridge
Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela
Riccardo Morandi
350 million bolívar soberano (US $100 million )
Aug-24, 1962
Total length
5.4 mi ( 8.7 km )
main bridge length
5.4 mi ( 8.7 km )
Tall (tower)
284 ft ( 86.6 m )
Length over water
5.3 mi ( 8.6 km )
Bridge section length
5.4 mi ( 8.7 km )
57 ft ( 17.4 m )
Deck height
164 ft ( 50 m )
Longest span
771 ft ( 235 m )
Road scale
4 lanes
Tablazo Strait

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