Jubilee Parkway

Jubilee Parkway is located in Spanish Forts, Baldwin County, Alabama, USA. The original name is Americas Junior Miss Bayway. It crosses Mobile Bay.

Jubilee Parkway on the sea
Jubilee Parkway on the sea

Jubilee Parkway is a concrete viaduct on Alabama Interstate 10. It has a total length of 8 mi (12.9 km) and consists of 2 side-by-side bridges, each with 2 lanes for a total of 4 lanes.

Cars driving on Jubilee Parkway
Cars driving on Jubilee Parkway

Next to Jubilee Parkway there is another 7-mi (11.3 km) bridge called Battleship Parkway.

An overpass was built at the intersection of Jubilee Parkway and Battleship Parkway, where cars can drive from one bridge to another.

Jubilee Parkway on the left and Battleship Parkway on the right
Jubilee Parkway on the left and Battleship Parkway on the right

They are actually the intersection of Interstate 10 (I-10) and US Interstate 90 on Mobile Bay. In Mobile Bay, Interstate 10 (I-10) is Jubilee Parkway and US Interstate 90 is Battleship Parkway.

Overview Jubilee Parkway
Overview Jubilee Parkway

The Battleship Parkway was built in 1926, and the Jubilee Parkway was opened in 1978. The age difference between the two bridges is 52 years.

The intersection of Jubilee Parkway and Battleship Parkway
The intersection of Jubilee Parkway and Battleship Parkway

Jubilee Parkway Data

North America
In use
Other name
Americas Junior Miss Bayway
Baldwin County / Mobile, Alabama, USA
Total length
8 mi ( 12.9 km )
Design type
Girder bridge
Road scale
4 lanes
Mobile Bay

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Era-1978 ( The earlier the era, the higher the score,respect the older generation of engineering )


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