Ling Ao Nuclear Power Plant

Ling Ao Nuclear Power Plant ( Chinese:岭澳核电站 ) is located in Dapeng New District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, near the South China Sea. The nuclear power plant is constructed in two phases, phase 1 has 2 reactors close to 950MW, phase 2 has 2 reactors of 1000MW, and 4 reactors have an installed capacity of 3,876 MW.

The Ling Ao Nuclear Power Plant started construction in May 1997 and started to generate electricity in May 2002.

Ling Ao Nuclear Power Plant
Ling Ao Nuclear Power Plant


In February 1994, the Chinese government decided to build the second large-scale commercial nuclear power plant in Guangdong, which was later called the Ling Ao Nuclear Power Plant.

Phase I

On May 15, 1997, the first phase of Ling Ao Nuclear Power Plant began construction. The No. 1 power generation unit began to connect to the grid on May 28, 2002.

On November 28, 1997, the construction of the No. 2 reactor began, and the grid-connected power generation began on January 8, 2003.

Ling Ao Phase I
Ling Ao Phase I

Phase II

On December 15, 2005, the construction of the No. 3 reactor began, and the grid-connected power generation began on September 15, 2010.

On June 15, 2006, the construction of the No. 4 reactor began, and the grid-connected power generation began on August 7, 2011.

Ling Ao Nuclear Power Plant Phase II
Ling Ao Nuclear Power Plant Phase II

Operating status

Since the first phase of Ling Ao Nuclear Power Plant was completed and put into production, it has achieved excellent safety operations. Unit 1 set a world record of 592 days of safe operation without unplanned shutdown for two consecutive fuel cycles after commercial operation. Unit 2 created a world nuclear power new world record of 935 days of safe operation without unplanned shutdown since the first criticality and commercial operation. The crew has the best record.

In 2006, the first phase of Ling Ao Nuclear Power Plant achieved 15.062 billion kilowatt-hours of on-grid electricity, with a capacity factor of 91.3%; as of January 2006, the cumulative on-grid electricity reached 47.052 billion kilowatt-hours; the cumulative repayment of the principal and interest of infrastructure loans was 1.032 billion US dollars, accounting for the principal payment 21.08% of the total interest.


Ling Ao Nuclear Power Plant Data

East Asia
In use
Official name
Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Lingao Nuclear Power Company Ltd.
May-15, 1997
May-28, 2002
Installed capacity
3876 MW
Units operational
2 x 950 MW, 2 x 1000 MW
Reactor type
Cooling source
Daya Bay

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